PetriCode related publications
K.I.F. Simonsen and L.M. Kristensen
Implementing the WebSocket Protocol based on Formal Modelling and Automated Code Generation
To appear in proc. of DAIS'14
K.I.F. Simonsen
PetriCode: A Tool for Template-based Code Generation from CPN Models
In Proc. of WS-FMDS '13
K.I.F. Simonsen, L.M. Kristensen, and E. Kindler.
Generating Protocol Software from CPN Models Annotated with Pragmatics
In Proc. of SBMF '13, LNCS, Springer, 2013
K.I.F. Simonsen, L.M. Kristensen, and E. Kindler.
Code Generation for Protocol Software from CPN
models Annotated with Pragmatics.
Technical Report IMM-Technical Reports-2013-01, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, January 2013.
Available via
K.I.F. Simonsen, L.M. Kristensen, and E. Kindler.
Code Generation for Protocol Software from CPN
models Annotated with Pragmatics.
Abstract presented at: Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, 2012
K.I.F. Simonsen and L.M. Kristensen.
Towards a CPN-based modeling approach for reconciling verification and implementation of protocol models.
In Proc. of MOMPES'12, LNCS. Springer, 2012.
K.I.F. Simonsen.
On the use of pragmatics for model-based development of protocol software.
In Proc of PNSE 2011
Engineering, 2011